Assessment by Pr?mary School Teachers About Educat?on Superv?sors Controll?ng The Maths Lesson
Ali R?za ERDEM, Galip GEN?
Maths which is very important in students’ lives and presenting how they use their ability while doing the job during controlling the lesson are quite necessary by means of making the aims of the Maths lessons real in a higher level for students and motivating the primary school teachers. Qualitative model has been used in the study. The study has been done with 23 primary school teachers working in Selcuk district of Izmir. During the study, datas have been gathered with open-ended written survey to the teachers. These datas gained by openended written survey from teachers have been assessd by analyzing the datas descriptionally. Descriptions have been classified by categorizing as “positive”,”negative” and “neutral”.According to the findings of the study, primary school teachers described mostly “negative” for the attitudes of the education supervisors controlling the Maths lessons and their ability to control the lesson.
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