An Analysis Of Phonetics b, d, g, j, and e into English pronunciation for Java Students ( A Study On Java Students at English Department on STAIN Bengkulu Academic Year 2011-2012)
M. Arif Rahman Hakim
The objective of this research was to analyze how to pronounce phonetics b, d, g, j, and e into English pronunciation for Java Students in English Study Program of STAIN Bengkulu academic year 2011-2012. This research was used descriptive qualitative method. The population of this research is all of Java students in English Study Program of STAIN Bengkulu academic year 2011-2012. The data were collected by using a record player and then to be analyzed how strong the influence of that phonetics when they pronounce it, is it influence the meaning of sentence, or only has a stressing that changing the sounds. To avoid subjectively, this research was helped by a native speaker from United States of America (USA), Jeremy Tosh B. A. The result of this research was students that still did stressing in phonetics that researched as follows : /b/ : 26, 67 %, /d/ : 80 %, /g/ : 16, 67 %, /j/ : 6, 67 %, // : 13, 34 %, / e/ : 83, 34 %. Based on the percentages above, it could be concluded that from 6 phonetics that researched, there were 2 phonetics that are difficult to be lost by Java students, such as : /d/ and /e/. But, to minimize it, students can memorize the English songs or imitate English conversation in English movies. In order that, they must accustom to listen and speak English well.
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