Gender Dimension of Secondary Vocational Schools in Slovakia – Equality and Inequality De Iure and De Facto
Martin Bére?, Dávid Bosy, Adriana Jesenková, Natália Sedlák Vendelová
The paper is a partial output of the research project CREdu: gender equality in the environment of secondary vocational schools. Project is carried out by the NGO EsFem with support from Slovak Research and Development Agency under contract No. APVV-0726-07. The project focuses on the analysis of gender inequality in secondary vocational schools in Slovakia with aim to expand the knowledge base on this issue. Secondary vocational school may designate a future career. Gender-specific signals are carried through formal and informal curriculum and have an impact on aspirations and performances of female and male students. We assume that there is a relationship between the school system and gender patterns in the society. The school is a powerful element in the process of gender socialization of children and young people. It plays an important role in reproducing gender inequalities in society. This is done through the reproduction of gender stereotypes in teaching materials, environment and in behavior of she-teachers and he-teachers in schools. The lack of understanding of the gender related issues may cause overlooking of unequal position of women and men in the society. Actual inequalities are often hidden behind formal gender equality guaranteed by the constitution and laws. It is therefore necessary to raise awareness and reflect the asymmetry between men and women in society through scientific gender analysis. The authors analyze the key legislation and gender segregation in the secondary vocational schools in Slovakia with respect to the ongoing reform of education. The first part focuses on the content analysis of the current legislation, opportunities and threats for the gender equality. The first part consist of: the definition of basic legal norms and the structure of the education system in Slovakia; the identification of negative trends in education system; the main topics of the reform of vocational education and related issues; the position of women and men in secondary vocational schools in Slovakia. The second part of the paper focuses on the analysis of gender inequality in Secondary Vocational Schools in Slovakia. Inequality is manifested both in the representation of men and women in pedagogical staff and executive positions, and also on the he-students and she-students level.
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