A Study of Professional and Job Burnout on Teachers
In this study, it is aimed to determine the Professional and job burnout levels and the differentiation of the burnout levels in respect of some variables. In the scope of the study, the Gazi Burnout Scale, developed by Ko?, Arslan and Topaloglu (2009), was used. The scale comprises of two parts. In the first part, professional burnout level, made up of 14 expressions, and in the second part, job burnout level, made up of 12 expressions, are evaluated. The survey, formed through the Gazi Burnout Scale, was carried out on 426 teachers working in 22 primary and secondary schools in Samsun. In order to test the data obtained from the test, central inclination measures (frequency and percentage ranges) and statistical analysis methods (correlation, regression, t-tests and ANOVA) were used. In the study, the differentiation of Professional and job burnouts were dealt. Besides, the differentiation of burnout levels as to various demographical variables were measured, too. In consequence with the study, a significant differentiation between the Professional and job burnout levels of the teachers was determined.
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