Self-Presentation Strategies in Negotiations and Business Meetings
K?stutis Peleckis, Valentina Peleckien?, Aist? Ma?eikien?
The paper aims to analyze the phenomenon of self-presentation in business surroundings - a behavioral mode by
which it is strived under public business surroundings to achieve an agreement and to avoid repudiating orienting
to universally adapted norms and other people expectations. In the article the main strategies of self-presentation
are described, which are used in business meetings and negotiation situations. The motivation of self-presentation
develops under public situations, because it is characteristic of a person to take interests in people how they
consider and evaluate other people. Therefore, a person realizing himself as a social object, tries to perceive and
see himself as such who can be seen by others, and, representing himself correspondingly in business meetings
and negotiation, tries to show himself to be accepted and evaluated, and/or in such a way that when regulating
other people impressions on himself, when getting particular results in business, he or she could confirm his (her)
own identity. The paper enlarges the understanding of self-presentation, which influence both on person’s identity
and his state shaping in business interaction. Factors determining the choice of self-presentation strategies are
divided into three basic groups: individual personal factors, inter-individual factors, situational (of social
environment) factors, which may be conditionally attributed to the outside factors. All these factors are closely
interconnected and interacting not only during the presentation, but also a decision about what forms of behavior
are the most suitable for developing such an image, i.e. to choose self-presentation strategies. It is also important
to take into account some outside situational factors and the existing in the society social norms, which could
influence the presentation planning and performance.
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