New Minority Woman/Terrorism
Poyraz Gürson, ?pek Adalier
In the first part of the article, generally the term minority and the factors determining being minority has been
focused and within this framework the Treaty of Lausanne and the meaning of minority in Turkey have been
mentioned. In the next part, the general perspective of EU toward the minority has been focused on, the
agreements about minority rights that EU countries took side and the rights provided towards the minority in
these agreements have been mentioned. After focusing on the comparison between the Treaty of Lausanne and
The Copenhagen Criteria, special cases of Alevi and Kurdish in Turkey have been focused on and some
information has been given in order to identify the groups. After focusing on the meaning of self-determination of
people in purpose of explaining the minority rights, the stance of UK and Spain from EU towards the minorities
and their legal regulations have been presented. On the other hand, the term patriotism has been defined and it
has been supported that the patriotism is compassion and devotion to one’s country. Today, in terms of universal
values, national and ethnic minorities force the governments to reconstruct the linguistic and religious demands,
developed and developing countries in the world. Within the framework of universal values and international
agreements and in terms of European Union Turkey multicultural country recognized the cultural and human
rights of its citizens. As a result of that Turkey led to its citizens to be “volunteer” and it caused to develop the
term of “a common patriotism feeling” for its citizens. In the consideration of all these, it has been mentioned
about Turkey’s progression about being a secular and social constitutional state.
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