Participation of Teachers in School Administration and Their Organizational Citizenship Behaviors
Assistant Prof. Dr. Süleyman G?ksoy
Current study purposed to identify teachers’’ level of participation in school administration and organizational
citizenship behaviors and the relationship between participation in school administration and organizational
citizenship behaviors. The study utilized a relational survey model, a descriptive research method, since it set out
to identify the present situation. The universe of the study was composed of teachers employed in Ministry of
National Education’s state preschool, primary, secondary and high schools in ?stanbul provincial center and
districts. The study employed “simple random sampling” as the sampling technique and was conducted on 424
teachers. Data showed that compared to female teachers’’ views, male teachers’ views were higher in terms of
participation in school administration. As teachers’ got older, they believed that they had more voice in school
administration and they played more important roles. Compared to teachers’ with other levels of education
(university graduation) teachers’ with higher levels of education (such as the teachers’ with masters degrees)
believed they participated more in school administration. Female teachers’ compared to male teachers’ and
teachers’ with masters degrees compared to graduates of 2 or 3-year colleges and 4-year faculties stated that
they voluntarily participated in organizational activities in addition to the specified roles and responsibilities and
they had more devotion. Investigation of the relationship between levels of participation in school administration
and organizational citizenship behaviors showed increases inorganizational citizenship behaviors along with
increases in participation in school administration levels and decreases in organizational citizenship behaviors
along with decreases in participation in school administration levels.
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