Where is the Line Dividing between Academe and the Field? The Relationship between Academe and Practice in a Physical Therapy Program at the Ariel University Center of Samaria
Dr. Nitza Davidovitch, Dr. Tamar Jacob
The academe and its missions have undergone a series of revolutionary changes over the centuries of its existence. Despite these changes, community service is the one mission that has remained an integral part of the landscape of higher education. This mission is deeply rooted in the Zionist vision, which traditionally viewed higher education as a means of development of Jewish society. Although sometimes marginalized, the community service mission continues to beat in the heart of higher education today, and exists, not as an independent strand, but as an integral part of academic activities.The present study focuses on the academic activities of a service-oriented department and the practical training it provides to students in the undergraduate Physical Therapy program. This profession has significant importance in Israel in view of the large number of victims of wars and terrorist attacks, and the high rate of road accidents. These have created a young population in need of extended rehabilitation. In addition, all over the western world, ever-increasing life expectancies continue to add new patients who need professional help.The findings of the present study, based on a survey of 109 graduates of the department, point to the academe's contribution to practical work in the field. Despite the diversity in the demographic background and admission profiles of the graduates at their admission into the program, no correlation was found between graduates' profiles upon admission and their satisfaction with their training program and their work. One factor that was found to undermine satisfaction with work was work conditions. This case study points to the significance of a close association between the academe and the field in reducing the differences between students' final achievements in the program and their work conditions in the field.
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