Determination of the University Students’ Perception of Emotional Abuse
Assoc. Prof. Hande ?ahin, Assoc. Prof. Zeynep Tezel
In this study, the determination of the university students’ detection of emotional abuse is tried. Data of the
research is collected using survey form prepared with “Perceived Emotional Abuse Scale” on 2013-2014 term
students of Karabuk University School of Physical Education and Sports and collecting the answered forms
(N:211). It is a definitive study. Items in which emotional abuse perception is low are; “My friends underestimate
me” ( x=4,32), “My family always talks to me like they are reprimanding” ( x=4,31), “Usually my freedom is
restricted” ( x=4,30), respectively while items in which emotional abuse perception is high are “Success more
than I can achieve is expected” ( x=2,96), “People usually abuse my good will” ( x=3,26), “I encounter
expectations above my skill level” ( x=3,42) respectively. Students showed a significant difference in views of
perceived emotional abuse depending on the emotional abuse of students (p<0,01).
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