Reading the “Gezi” From the Newspaper’s Point of View in the Context of Media, Politics and the Manipulation
?i?ek, At?l Cem, Ass. Prof.; Ayd?n, Sel?uk, Ass. Prof.; Artunay, Melih ?a?atay, Res. Ass.; Certel, Aliye Bilge, Res. Ass.
As a common expression; media, is a word that used for “communication environment” or “communication
tools”. When the media Notion handled with the largest meanings of it, it includes oral, written, printed and
visual texts and images, it appears as a phenomenon that involve the whole information tools. In democratic
regimes, the practitioners of the politics which named as art of solving the social problems, defend that the the
respect to the political choices is the extract of the democracy, by a continious emphasize for the freewill Notion.
By the way, establishing a relationship with the freewill Notion and true informing Notion would be pertinent. The
dependence of the media and the political preferences can be observed by considering the determination of
political choices and benefits from the political choices of the media which has the power of directing the crowds
according to its will. Particularly, in the democratic regimes, politics appear as a phenomenon which is
attributed as legal as well as the media. In that sense the interaction of these two institutions is apparent. The
institutions of politics, affect the perception of events on the crowd directly or indirectly by the decides which are
made, applications which are applied, expressions which are told, the language which is used. Crowds may not
follow all the multidimensional process, the political news, the information bombardment of the political current
by the chance of itself, it seems impossible when the complication of the daily life considered. At that point, the
information carrying function of the media appears. The political area expands into the social area by the
intervention of media. For this reason, the style of perceiving and the presentation the political beings, is truly
important about the meaning of mass. Since it is one of the most important tools of the media, written periodics,
the newspapers are very effective with their daily press. The Gezi Events which took place in May 2013, is a
significant example in terms of the relationship between media and the politics. During the Gezi Events, the
perception and the presentation of the events to the public are very different between different media institutions.
The study is going to be based on that point. The presenting and informing style of the newspapers will be
compared about their relationship between the political government. The difference between the opponent side
and the defender side of the governtment will be tried to be pointed out. By stepping from that point, the
manipulation power of media which resembling a perceptive operation is going to be argued. While doing this,
the newspapers may have a close relationship with the government, Sabah, Star and Yeni ?afak chosen by the way
the newspapers would be named as opponent as Cumhuriyet, S?zcü and Bir Gün chosen. When making
evaluations, the indicator is the first page headlines of these newspapers in the thirty days after the start of events.
This study is important in terms of stating the stance of the media which is said to be the fourth power over
determining political preferences. In this study, the historical research methods are used by getting benefits from
the old studies and researches on the other hand with the observations, the descriptive research methods will be
applied. The expression analyses method of Van Dijk will be used for resolutions of the headlines of the
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