Differentiations Between The level of Technological leadership Skills of Quality
Schools Administrators and Non Quality Schools Administrators’
Associate Prof. Dr. Kemal Kay?k??, Arzu Engür
The purpose of this paper is to determine and compare technolojical leadership competencies of directors of
schools (pre-school, elementary and high school) which have won TQM (Total Ouality Management )Prices and
which have not in Antalya. And also investigate how school principals affects the quality of schools which have
won TQM (Total Ouality Management) Prices. The first three sub-problem of the study quantitative research
methods and qualitative research methods were applied. To do that Technological leadership Questionaire which
is developed by “the Center for the Advanced Study of Technology Leadership in Education (CASTLE) used to
develop, test, and validate the assessment instrument..” was used. The questionaire has 32 questions.
Technological leadership Questionaire was aplied to 700 teaches and 506 questionaire returned as filled. Six
teachers who were actively worked in processes in Quality Management system from award winning schools were
interviewed. Data were analysed by SPSS program. For the data collected via interviews is analised by coding.
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