Opinions of University Students on Ideal Man
Muharrem Ko?, ?zlem Haskan Avc?, Ph.D.; ?znur Bayar
Gender stereotypes that exist in the society make their presence felt even before individuals are born. The present
study aims to deeply analyze the opinions of female and male students in Turkey on how an idealized man should
be. In this study, a questionnaire including socio-demographic information and an open-ended question “How do
you think an idealized man should be?” was administered. The questionnaire was administered to 100 male and
118 female students. The answers given to the open-ended question were analyzed by the content analysis. The
themes on the answers to the question “How should an ideal man be?” include “Should be well-behaved” (n=95,
21.59%); “Respectful and warmhearted/ affectionate and protective” (n=73, 16.59%); “Has a job, successful
career and money” (n=59, 13.41%). The themes on the answers given by women to this question includes /should
be fair (n=138, 36.3%), respectful (n=55, 14.4%), tolerant/kind (n=41, 10.7%).
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