Developing an Attitude Scale for Science and Technology Laboratory Experiments at Primary Education Program
Hüseyin Polat, Dr. Fatma Bilge Emre, Prof. Dr. Hikmet Say?lkan
The aim of this study is to develop a scale for assessing attitudes towards Science and Technology Laboratory
Practices Course for classroom teaching program. Examining the current attitude scale developed for science
laboratories had been carefully scrutinized and item pool was created. For item pool the views of experts was
taken and the first draft of scale that consisting of 28 Likert-type items was prepared by choosing statements. The
first draft of scale was carried out a pilot study. The first obtained data from the pilot study was performed
exploratory factor analysis with SPSS 21 program. 6 items has been removed from the analysis. After the
exploratory factor analysis data set was performed confirmatory factor analysis with the LISREL 8.52 program
and 3 items has been removed from the analysis. An attitude scale consisting of 19 items in one dimension were
obtained in the analysis. Scale explains approximately 45% of the variance and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient is
0.932 for the reliability.
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