The Effect of Videos with Subtitles on Vocabulary Learning of EFL Learners
The present study aimed to examine the potential effect of the use of L2 English subtitled videos on the development of the acquisition of the vocabulary on EFL intermediate students at Bülent Ecevit University, Turkey. 60 Turkish intermediate students were divided into two groups such as bimodal subtitle group, and no-subtitle group. The material included an English TV series with an episode including four parts, and each of them was 4-6 minutes. After four session of watching the movie, all participants were requested to answer the multiple-choice vocabulary test and a comprehension question post-test to assess their improvement in the acquisition of the vocabulary and to clarify that they paid attention to the videos. The results revealed that the most of the participants have high accuracy judgements from the comprehension test, however, bimodal subtitle group performed better in the acquisition of vocabulary.
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