órion Technological Park: A Triple Helix for Innovation Development in the Santa Catarina Sierra
Dr.Roberto Rogério Do Amaral, Melissa Ribeiro Do Amaral, Dra Inara Antunes Vieira Willerding, Dra édis MafraLapolli
Globalization and technological advancement have spurred new ways of thinking and managing. Thus, this study aims to show the importance of establishing órion Technological Park for the Santa Catarina community considering their regional prospective process. Methodologically, the investigation consists of a field study focusing on the órion Technological Park in the Santa Catarina Sierra –Santa Catarina, Brazil. The research is qualitative, exploratory and descriptive. Data was collected by bibliographical, documentary and field method, where investigators performed participant observations in the park studied. Results allow concluding that new ways of thinking and managing have a dynamical impact over socio-economical environment. Triple Helix (university-industry-government) propitiates innovation development, generating significant value in the economy, through partnerships in a prospective process, as is the case of órion Technological Park.
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