Analysis of Bacterial Pollution of Banks-Near Waters on the Petit-Bassam Island and its Impact on Populations’ Health
Dr. Ma?mouna YMBA, Dr. Bébé KAMBIRE
The Ebrié lagoon is a place where domestic effluents are abusively dumped without being treated previously; particularly in the Petit-Bassam island’s bays where the discharges are estimated to more
than 60.000 m3 of waste, using microbiological data acquired from nine measurement stations located in the island bays and a transversal survey resorting to 1.023 households. On the one hand, this study aims at evaluating the bacterial pollution level of banks-near waters on the Petit-Bassam island and on the other hand, analyzing the impact of this pollution on the waterside populations health. The ascending hierarchical analysis that has been implemented using five indicators defined as fecal contamination telltales (coliforms F., enterococcus F., streptococcus F., E. coli and clostridium P.) shows that the most polluted areas are located in the island’s southern and northwestern parts. It is in those spaces that we have notified the highest prevalence rates of diarrhea, cholera and malaria.
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