Models of Individualized Instruction and Possibilities for their Application in Initial Mathematics Teaching – Teacher Perceptions
Nela T. Malinovi?-Jovanovi?, Vesna S. Zdravkovi?, Jelena V. Malinovi?
This paper presents the results of the research on teacher perceptions of individualized teaching and its application in initial mathematics teaching. Twelve models have been designed for four of its types: programmed, problem-based, computer-assisted instruction and three levels of individualization approach. Teachers’ opinion on the validity of the designed models, the possibilities of applying individualized instruction in initial mathematics teaching, their training and skills to apply it, and the extent to which these are applied in the initial mathematics teaching were examined. The survey was conducted on a sample of 114 teachers who positively evaluated the validity of the designed models. Moreover, the results obtained indicate that teachers most often choose to use three levels of individualization approach, as well as individualized instruction using worksheets. Problem-based instruction is used very rarely. Most of them think that they are not sufficiently trained and skilled to use individualized instruction.
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