Formation of Defining Ideology that Althusser Refers: Its Influences of Feminism
Dr. U?ur Diler
Louis Althusser is known as a French Marxist Philosopher who developed different ways to look at Marx’s writings from other angles because his goal was to find the problematic parts which prevented Marx’s writings to be materially acknowledged and,in this way,to explain them through historical events which are concrete. Althusser’s conception of ideology has affected other theories among which we can mention Feminism. As the woman is a part of the society and she is subject to any kind of ideology that puts her behind the invisible chains she can feel but cannot break. Althusser makes these chains look clearer to the eyes of the beholder by clarifying ideology and interpellation which are also adopted by Feminist writers and philosophers in a welcoming way. In this research, to define ideology that Althusser refers to and its influences of feminism.
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