The Relation between Nature and Society in an Exception Environment, Meruoca Sierra, Ceará, Brazil
Marcos Venicios Ribeiro Mendes, Simone Ferreira Diniz, Cleire Lima da Costa Falc?o, José Falc?o Sobrinho
This present essay addresses the presentation of a discussion about the relation between nature and society, going from
the nature concept comprehension to modifications which has been taking place in geographical space.Meruoca
Sierrais held as a cutout for this research, an exception area in Ceará semi-arid which contains a natural physical
framework different from the others relief units around the state. Some procedures were adopted as methodology, all of
them based on literary review, starting with Ludwin von Bertalanffy’s systemic approach (1975) which states that
elements are a part of a whole and they must be studied jointly instead of individually. Fieldwork was also carried out
for a better recognition of the area and through it was possible to notice modifications beside photographical
records.Linked to these conditions there are hydric resources, fauna, flora and specially soils which has been quite
exploited by the society and for this reason some samples of them were collected to be physically analyzed. From this
fact, it was possible to understand modifications in nature caused by the society what reflect on an environmental
imbalance in Meruoca.
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