The Higher Education Functional Crisis: A Case of the University of Burundi
Ms. TUYISENGE Fran?oise
In this study, we develop factors influencing the functional crisis in the University of Burundi. Different actors of this institution contributed to the completion of this study through a questionnaire addressed via “Google Forms”. Respondents were mainly students, teachers, and other personnel staff who responded to our questionnaire. Both qualitative and quantitative methods have been implemented. Interviews were conducted to gather the views of these stakeholders. In addition, the document review allowed the collection of additional information. The results of this study analysis show that University of Burundi crisis is pronounced and multifaceted. The characteristics of this University functional crisis that have just been raised are due to a number of factors determining them. These are basically economic, institutional and socio-political factors. Since 1980s, University of Burundi, like all other African universities, is facing the financial problems with the breakdown of major macroeconomic balances. We note that these institutions entered then a cycle of crises that recalls the dysfunction of all the device.
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