Displacement, Social Identityand Nigrescence in Adichie’sAmericanah
Somia Ayaicha, Manimangai Mani, Hardev Kaur, Mohamed Ewan Bin Awang, Rania Khelifa Chelihi
The African diaspora has been enjoying a massive attention throughout history and their struggles have been depicted through literary works for centuries. This led to the emergence of African writers who wrote about the African immigrants? experiences from a more authentic perspective in order to deconstruct the single story and the stereotypes that the Westerners have built against Africans. Through the examination of ChimamandaAdichie?sAmericanah (2013), I attempt firstly to examine the effects of displacement on African immigrants as depicted in the novel. Secondly, to investigate the impact of the social identifications and categorizations on African immigrants as portrayed in Americanah based on the Social Identity Theory (SIT). Finally, to discover the process through which African immigrants manage to accept their black identity. This objective will be achieved via the examination of the main characters in Americanah according to the Nigrescence theory which reflects on the process of becoming black.
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