Exploring the Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Person-Organization Fit: The Mediating Role of Political Skill
?zge Mehtap, Veli Deniz Duyar
The principal aim of this research was to investigate the effect of Emotional Intelligence (EI) on Person-Organization Fit (P-O Fit), with a specific emphasis on the potential mediating role played by Political Skills (PS). The theoretical basis of this study is firmly rooted in the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) Theory positing that both EI and PS serve as job resources. Utilizing a survey methodology, data were gathered from 234 employees in the information technology sector in Turkey, employing a convenience sampling approach. The collected data were subsequently subjected to analysis using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) with the path analysis method in the AMOS Program. The study's results indicated that PS operates as a partial mediator in the relationship between EI and P-O Fit. This study fills a significant void in the current research literature by specifically exploring the connection between EI and P-O Fit and sheds light on the relatively uncharted territory of PS within the field of organizational studies, despite the common perception of organizations as political environments.
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