Gender Based Occupational Health Hazards among Paramedical Staff in Pubic Hospitals of Jhelum
Sadaf Javed, Tehmina Yaqoob
This study provides insight into gender based occupational health hazards among paramedical staff in public hospitals of Jhelum. Quantitative technique was used to find out the gender differences in exposure to occupational health hazards. 120 paramedics were taken as sample (male=60, female=60). Study was consisted of two phases, Phase I for development of questionnaire and Phase II to testament of hypothesis and fulfillment of objectives. Self designed questionnaire consisting of thirty eight items, divided in two sub categories, psychological and physiological was used for data collection. The Alpha reliability of questionnaire was .754. Although both physiological and psychological factors are influencing paramedical staff’s health but physiological health hazards are influencing paramedic’s health more as compared to psychological health hazards. Hypothesis was supported by findings that females are facing more occupational health hazards as compare to males. Females are more exposed to psychological (stress, tension, and depression) as compare to physiological hazards. There is a significant affect of age on experiencing occupational health hazards while experience itself has no significant effect on occupational health hazards exposure.
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