Factors Hampering Scientific Research in Sudanese Universities With Reference To Problem Formulation and Hypotheses
Dr. Mustafa Shazali Mustafa
Supervisors in Sudan are heavily depended upon when conferring a post graduate degree and this technique of supervisor's reports, however, may not fully regard all the factors that hampering research process. The paper investigates what at first appears to be a unique constraint in designing of researches whose variables always are carried by people (elements). Most previous analyses, however, illustrate only the administrative factor that hampering the actual conducting of research. The paper adds new factors which never been investigated before. That is, the statutory factor and conceptual factors in its next sections. The paper also elucidates both quantitative and qualitative approaches are important factors when dealing with scientific research problems and hypotheses, and how the later is more important when other research supporters such as research centers are lacking. The qualitative approach is also an important element in facilitating the writing of history-textbooks.
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