Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitudes towards Mathematics in Turkey
Dilek Sezgin Memnun, Recai Akkaya
The aim of the study is to examine the attitudes towards mathematics of mathematics, science and elementary school pre-service teachers and to investigate the differences among gender, grades and teaching fields. A total of 456 pre-service teachers, who were studying in the Education Faculty of Abant ?zzet Baysal University in Turkey in the 2011-2012 fall semester, including 141 mathematics, 163 science and 152 elementary school pre-service teachers participated in the research. The data of this research have been obtained as a result of the application of the Attitudes towards Mathematics Instrument on the mathematics, science and elementary school pre-service teachers that participated with the research. In conclusion, it has been understood that majority of the pre-service teachers have high level of positive attitudes towards mathematics, but some pre-service teachers’ attitudes need to be developed. There is a significant difference between attitudes towards mathematics of sophomores and seniors pre-service teachers and there is not a significant difference between average points of female and male pre-service teachers in relation to their attitudes towards mathematics.
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